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Free maths revision resource: Get active to get ready for SATs


We know that learning is most effective when children are having fun.

But when we think of SATs prep, fun isn’t exactly what springs to mind.

Until now.

We’ve created a FREE Maths on the Move SATs revision resource.

How does a game of bingo with a twist sound?

Here’s how to play:

  • Download and print the question and answer cards.

  • Hand out the answer cards to your pupils, you could do team or individual bingo.

  • Place the question cards around the hall, playground or field.

  • And then it’s a race to get a complete line, two lines, and finally a full house!

The questions in the resource are developed by assessment experts, taken from every KS2 programme of study. Just like SATs.

The revision resource is based on a physically active learning programme called Maths on the Move (MOTM) . Last academic year, 95% of children taking part in MOTM showed a total increase from pre to post lesson scores.

A report has found that pupils’ maths performance in KS2 is closely linked to their eventual GCSE result. In fact, this connection between KS2 and GCSE performance is stronger in maths than in other subjects.

When it comes to trying to catch up with their peers by age 16, those who are behind in maths in primary school will find it harder than those who are behind in other subjects.

This revision resource is a way to support children’s learning and confidence in maths to support their SATs success and future success.

Research proves that physically active learning enhances brain function, improves focus, facilitates understanding, increases confidence and reduces anxiety. All of which are key for pupils facing SATs.

Whether it be the school hall, playground or field, this MOTM bingo is a chance to switch up the learning environment, get children active, promote positive maths discussion, and boost understanding.

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