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3 ways we can help solve staff shortages...

One key theme this year is an even higher strain on school budgets. As a School governor, I have seen this first hand with schools looking at a number of different options to try and stay out of deficit.

A number of education partners (schools) have been decimated with staff sickness with both teachers and support staff off on short and long-term sickness. Unfortunately, schools have begun to weigh up closing for a day rather than paying for the cost of supply, and long term there are talks about having to close permanently for a day to reduce school costs.

We have been looking at a number of different solutions that we hope will support schools in staying open.

PPA Cover:

As we all know PPA time is vital to allow teachers to carry out planning, preparation, and assessment activities. Without it, teachers' workloads become even more overloaded.

But like many ideas that are great in practice, real-world outcomes can produce a number of problems.

In an era of budget cuts and ever-increasing demands on pupil performance from governors, parents and local governing bodies, schools often struggle to find cost-effective, high-quality PPA cover.

Kanga understands the vexed question of PPA cover and has developed an inclusive approach that engages all of your pupils in high quality learning and PE lessons.

Led by our team of qualified teachers, our Sports and Physical Activity Educators possess the skills and qualifications to manage full classes of children, meeting the needs of all learners and coping with challenging behaviour.

This means you and your senior management team can be secure in the knowledge that you’ll be provided with a high quality, reliable, education-focused service that improves your pupils’ skills and confidence, while consistently following best practice guidance on the effective use of agencies in PE and school sport.

We always provide, a progression of skills, a long-term plan, assessment, and additional PE lead support as part of our delivery.

Learning Support Assistants:

Are you currently struggling to recruit GTA’s?

We know that recruitment can be time-consuming, has cost implications and at times there is a lack of people out there.

We can Help!

We can provide our qualified educators and teachers to support your school. Or educators have experience in delivering to a full class and are used to running Maths and English interventions.

Kanga staff have taught children from EYFS through to KS4 and have the skills and experience to support your staff in class. With staff already knowing your students, school expectations ad behaviour policies it means no additional training is needed for that short-term need.

Find out more about our apprentice support by dropping an email to:

Use an apprentice:

Have you ever thought about using an apprentice?

Apprenticeships offer schools a useful and cost-effective mean of hiring new staff.

Expand your workforce

Apprentices are motivated and receptive to training and hiring an apprentice allows you to train the recruit and expand your workforce.

Boost employee performance

Without making time for training employees, you can’t guarantee performance to be at the standard you expect. Recruiting new talent is an option, but you will pay more to do this. Training an apprentice enables you to grow the skillset and talent you need in-house.

Skills shortages are an issue across many UK industries, owing to factors such as limited training opportunities and fewer migrant workers. Apprenticeships are a practical way to tackle this and develop the vital skills that are needed.

Employ one of our apprentices:

Solely hosted by a school – this is a model we’ve seen work at a number of different schools.

Using an apprentice, either:

L3 Teaching Assistant,

L3 Community Coach

L4 School Sports Coach.

The apprentice is employed by Kanga but solely supports your school. We provide the training and manage the apprentice.

We undertake the start of the recruitment process and we advertise and complete long-listing, We then run a telephone interview the remaining candidates before shortlisting for interview. The interview process is bi-lateral so both ourselves and you the school are involved and when an appointment is made we then issue the contract, start induction, and initiate and pay for the apprentice’s DBS.

To find out more about our apprentice support contact us here:

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